Mad Max Villains


You see!  There is no escape!  The Humungus Rules the Wasteland!

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Look out, Max.  They mean business. Screaming at Max! Just a shrug of the shoulders.  Okay, maybe the arrow doesn't hurt. Readying to remove the arrow.
A very concerned Golden Youth, worrying about his big dude. Hmm, looks like it could be quite painful.  Sure glad it's not my arm with an arrow in it. A happy Wez.  He even loves pain. Not a happy looking couple.
Watch me kill Nathan. You ready?  Make sure and watch. Okay, I'm ready to torture this wimp. Don't forget to watch me maim him.
It's over, baby.  Let's go. Readying to ride off with the Golden Youth. Aww, aren't they such a cute couple? Why so sad looking, Golden Youth?
Look at me, bitch! Okay, I'm looking. Riding off into the sunset.  Torture and sex; these two are quite eccentric when it comes to foreplay. Aww, poor Wez.  He lost his Golden Youth.
I don't have a gallery for Wez since you can go to The Wez Site and view tons of pics already taken of this great character.  This site also has pics of Vernon Wells in other roles he's played, along with personal photos of him and his family.


Note: "Mad Max" is a trademark and copyright of Kennedy-Miller Entertainment/Warner Bros. George Miller, Byron Kennedy and Terry Hayes (Kennedy Miller Entertainment/ Warner Bros.) hold copyright to the Mad Max Trilogy.


Copyright:  Funky Canuck Publishing 2004

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