Mad Max Villains


You see!  There is no escape!  The Humungus Rules the Wasteland!

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Harvey Anderson


The Toadie


Date of Birth:  July 18, 1972

Marital Status:  Single

Position:  Manservant to the Humungus


Character Traits:  Friendly, jovial, lively, optimistic and humorous, he longs to fit in and be a part of something.  In order to do so, he serves others with his loyalty so they in return will befriend him.  He turns a blind eye to the wrong of a situation since he refuses to go against the people he is a part of.  His only goal in life is to have the approval of others.


He is a follower, never a leader and he aims to please those whom he serves.  He could even be perceived as a coward.


Never knowing life outside of the wasteland, Harvey grew up in a small village to a mother and father who both happened to be entrepreneurs.  They owned the small general store and Harvey spent many an afternoon stealing candy from the store and sharing his treats with the other children so they'd like him.  During his teen years, he was part of the elite clique of jocks in school, but not because they thought him to be good looking, cool or hip.  Instead, the jocks tolerated Harvey since he could steal them booze from the store, along with cigarettes and munchies.

After graduating, Harvey began working in his parents' store up until their deaths when marauders ransacked the village.  He played a big part in the rebuilding of the small town.  With the capital he possessed and his knowledge of business, he could have easily been mayor but his self doubts never let such a powerful position cross his thoughts. 

When the Smegma Crazies arrived and burned up the village for the gasoline Harvey possessed, he was given two choices, serve the Humungus or die.  He chose the former.  Deciding to make the best of a bad situation, Harvey gladly gave the strong leader his loyalty.  In turn, the Humungus dubbed Harvey as the Toadie, seeing how the jovial gentleman always praised and worshiped each gang member so they'd never harm him.  The Toadie remained with the marauders even after they formed the Dogs of War.     


Note: "Mad Max" is a trademark and copyright of Kennedy-Miller Entertainment/Warner Bros. George Miller, Byron Kennedy and Terry Hayes (Kennedy Miller Entertainment/ Warner Bros.) hold copyright to the Mad Max Trilogy.

This biography is created for fan fiction purposes only. Part of the biography was taken from the script to keep this character sketch true to the original movie.


Copyright:  Funky Canuck Publishing 2004

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